Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Read like a Pro - 300 books

How is this even possible? Have you ever tried this?? Well I started a youtube channel from april 2019 and started to consume more books than I can. I have read around like 200 books so far. It has given me positivity and I started to see things in a different perspective. Always books are your best friends, no matter how much degrees you get or how much rich you are or now matter how busy you are, definitely reading one book per week or per month increases the level of positivity/hope in our lives.

There are 1000s of titles in business. But do you think you are going to be the best business man out there?  Yes and a No.  We can't predict the future, we can just only create it. We can create it using our hard work. I love the Seth Godin advice on this, he has a program called "AltMBA" which are lessons for the future and more practical than having a MBA degree. We need practical experience which makes us proud and happier than crediting money in our bank accounts month after month.

Do something meaningful ! 

College degree isn't enough and we spend 4 years of college study ( minimum) to become an expert but once when we get a job, you have stopped reading books. You have turned allergic to books and want to sell your old stuff on amazon. If you don't even read 4 hrs each day, then you are making your skills invaluable. you would probably wake up one day after 10 years and remember nothing, this happens to make people these days.

college isn't enough and you will scale up your skill but reading books. Start with one book a month and slowly  read up to 3 books a week. Seth Godin mentioned about reading 1000 books in one year. Bill gates takes think week , which is a time where he keeps on reading more books and goes "Do not Disturb" mode unless it's an emergency. only books and no other thoughts, he stays away from electronic gadgets and it's old school style.

create an un-stoppable reading habit. Keep doing, choose the genre of the books that you want to read. Some people would love to read science fiction while others want to read on technology. Initial days you can try what ever you want to read but when the time progresses you will have to stay focused on your niche. You can't be a master of all trades that doesn't work that way. Minimalism is the future and you should have known this by now. The logic behind minimalism is trying something new and making others follow you. Being the best and first person to try it, being proud to recommend the system to others as well. You are creating a new trend and much ahead of the crowd. Sometime it works and sometimes it fails too badly.

How and what should you do now?
You should start setting a challenge of reading 100 books in one year. How can it be achieved? there are many lectures for you and it's a lengthy post. But if you have time and want to take up a course, then try this one - become a reading machine and read 300 books 

It's a course and helps you to connect with the reading easily. All you have to do is signup for the course and dedicate 30 minutes each day for the course. There are some books that you must want to read from cover to cover, while some other books from time to time. Some books are one time read and it's not a speed reading course.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Stock investing only course that you will need

Recently I read the book " Discover the wealth within you" by Ric Edelman. I had bought this book around 10 years back and haven't touched it. Now was the time that read the book page by page and word by word. I loved the book's flow and it was a good read. It's a skill to get rich , quit your job and get retired early. Retirement is not everyone and it's about having freedom.

It doesn't mean you are avoiding to work for someone but you will have your own time. There are 4 ways to find your thing to investing

1. Long term - savings account - 20 years

Most people make hasty financial decisions. There are no quick decision when you transact with money. spend what is left after saving and that's the key to success.  When you have an account for safety or for emergency or as like retirement fund , you are on the safer side. This is like the food that you save for a rainy day.

2. Short term - savings account  < shopping, travel and food

You should definitely have an savings account for travel , food and shopping. This account will be your ATM for day to day expenses. This would keep the confusion out of the game and you will be able to make progress slowly. You will be able to trace all your expenses and it would align your life back on track. Imagine when you have spent 100$ on food eating outside and you realise you are spending too much on food by eating outside. You can cut these expenses when you track what you spend.

The first two steps are about saving for long term and tracking the expenses. The other 2 options are something most people knew already but not taking the right action. Let's check out that too.

3. Mutual fund Investing - Investing in mutual funds can be risky but at the same time the most profitable idea to grow your money passively. Focus on Index funds which is the safest thing out there and you should have knowledge about it. Read about the fund managers who are managing your funds and how is the overall market behaving. It depends on the stock market and people's buying power.

4. Stock investing - I have studied a lot of books for my Youtube channel  and made a video course on udemy. stock investing only course that you will need  is a course that I created for beginners and who wants to earn money consistently from stock market. Pick the winners , stock market is easy and it's all passive income. Above all develop a positive mindset and that brings more money on the table.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Monday, September 23, 2019

What's the reason behind reading non-fiction books?

Non-fiction books are not just time pass and it's the medicine for the soul. Reading daily for one hour improves your concentration and as well as makes you stay focused. I have read around 100 books so far and it has increased my knowledge as well as improved my approach to see things in a new way. If you haven't started to read non-fiction then this is the time to start doing it. Most people avoid the habit of reading books and they started to watch their mobile phones all the time which is complete waste of time.

Friday, September 20, 2019

GROWTH HACKER MARKETING - புதிய வழி | books in tamil

Growth hack is a way to build your business. How does it work? Imagine that the marketing is free and done by the end users. You don't need to spend money on marketing, that's right!

There are few steps that you should be following to get your content to become VIRAL!

Check out the video to know more :)

Premeditatio Malorum | fail your way to success | books in tamil

we all fail but if you don't want to fail then take positive action. We need to take negative visualization , an important thing in life. Imagine the worst possibility and take positive action. Obstacle is the new way to success. we need to overcome the hurdles and that's how victory happens

what is lizard brain? books in tamil | motivate and succeed

lizard brain is something that stops you from taking action. Sometimes you want to wake up at 6am but your lizard brain says " take rest ! for some more time". You want to procrastinate because of your lizard brain and that's why you must ignore that lizard. Keep moving towards your goals and every obstacle is a new way for you

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stoicism in 2 steps | practical stoicism | books in tamil

I want to keep things so simple and that's the power of success. Stoicism is not that complicated but it

brings the deeper meaning and value to a person. I have simplified the stoic philosophy in 2 steps. But you can't come to a conclusion that Stoic philosophy is only these 2 steps but for a beginner who isn't familiar with the philosophy can make use of this. The video explains the core ideas of stoicism

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

7 stoic exercises for inner peace | stoicism | books in tamil

these daily stoic habits would make your life better and stop you from worrying. You should focus on the things that really matter and ignore the rest. We are worrying about the future, past and present but not staying focused. Stoicism deals with those stuffs and these 7 habits would get you on the right track!

Friday, September 13, 2019

the 10x rule book summary | effort and attitude

Failure should be the stepping stone for success. The book 10x rule is for sales people, real estate agent and almost everyone who wants to succeed faster. It would be career, relationship or with money, you can improve your life.

1. do better than someone next to you

2. take 10 times effort that is necessary ( this makes all the tasks easier)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

smart work vs hard work - who's the winner?

There is no smart work. There is nothing called overnight success, you will have to work hard and then find the path towards success. Follow the 80/20 principle but it happens only after several attempts of hard work

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday, August 30, 2019

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019

factfulness book review in tamil

factfulness is about getting the facts right!

there are various problems that we have to face and this book explains why you are too much worrying when things are already right!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Think and grow rich | siddhars | religion is science| மதம் அறிவியல் |

Find more from the video

Kundalini meditation is described in the "think and grow rich " book in different form.

Words of affirmation is described by the siddhars as Mantra shastra

Even visualisation is also used by the siddhars

The book is not only to get rich but also to improve your life in other areas like career, relationship , spirituality and much more

If you got some more ideas about this , please comment beloww

get this book ( tamil edition )from amazon india -

Friday, March 29, 2019

Lean startup |books in tamil|தமிழ்| வியாபாரத்தில் தோல்வியை தவிர்ப்பது எப...


Build - create the base plan for your company.  Most entrepreneurs fail at creating the awesome product and spend 70 hours per week doing that work no one likes. Some times your work doesn't get recognition but if you keep doing what you love and get the advices of your customers , you can get what you what!

Measure - create the Minimum viable product and get the reviews from 100 people in your industry. Suggestions are worth 1000 dollars. You should ask 100 people who are experts about the product that you are going to create

Learn - Everyone does mistakes and it's good to learn from them faster. You got the reviews then now is the time to check for the upgrade. This is a great lesson and now is the time to take action

Get this book from amazon India -

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Sunday, March 24, 2019

The silva mind control method || தமிழ் || மன கட்டுப்பாடு || books in tamil

get the book in english (kindle) -

Silva mind control is one of the ways to solve the problems that happen for anyone at anytime. Using the power of mind, we can solve all our problems. Meditation is a science and everyone should experience once in their life. It's our choice to use the mind in the right way

5 success habits || வாழ்க்கைக்கான 5 விதிகள் || books in tamil ||

What are the 5 steps for success??

I have been reading more books and translating them into tamil language. The top habits are

listed as

1.  wake up 5 am - waking up early clears your mind and free from all problems. You are alert of the situation and handle them easily

2. carry a note - when you write something on paper, you are building your thoughts and making it stronger

3. Chant mantra - it strengthens your mind

4. first things first - do the important tasks first and ignore the other stuffs

5. Build more assets - getting rich is easy if you have more assets

find more videos in tamil from " Books in tamil" youtube channel

Friday, March 22, 2019